Where to Source Your Crystals

I do a lot of in-person events, and inevitably, someone will come up and say something along the lines of I’d really like to buy X, where is the best place to find it? And the answer is, inevitably, It depends…
When it comes to crystals, you’ve got a LOT of options. A simple online search is going to give you a floppity-million results, and it can be overwhelming – don’t panic, though. There are plenty of places you can source your crystals in ways that are both affordable and ethical. The key here is to do your homework ahead of time. Crystals vary widely in price depending on shape, weight, and quality, ranging from just a couple of dollars to upwards of several thousand. Obviously, you’ll want to work within your budget, but in general, you can accomplish the same goals with a small stone as with a large one – and for a fraction of the price. While you can buy crystals mounted into jewelry like rings or necklaces, it’s often more cost-effective to purchase loose stones and then craft the setting yourself.
Local Metaphysical Vendors
You can purchase crystals in just about any metaphysical shop – keep in mind these are typically smaller, single-owner businesses, so their prices may be slightly higher than found at chains which buy in bulk. While you may pay more, you’re also supporting a locally owned business, and you’re buying from someone who likely has extensive knowledge about the product itself. Additionally, small metaphysical stores tend to be conscious about ethical sourcing from vendors and can often provide documentation about where the stone came from and its authenticity. The best part? You can usually walk in and handle a stone before you pay for it, to get a sense of how it feels to you.
Large Commercial Vendors
If you don’t have a metaphysical store near you, consider purchasing from legitimate gem dealers – trade shows and spiritual expos are great places to find these kinds of dealers. Again, they’ll almost always let you touch the merchandise. When none of these are an option, you can certainly purchase from a big-box store or online vendor, but be sure to research ahead of time so you know you’re getting what you pay for.
Dig Your Own
Finally, depending on where you live, you may occasionally encounter businesses that allow you to “mine” for your own crystals, often priced by weight. While some of these are legitimate, many are designed to appeal to tourists, and their soil is manually loaded with treasure for visitors to unearth. While this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re all bad, it does create a situation in which the buyer must beware.
Environmental, Ethical, and Fair Trade Considerations
Crystals can be powerfully positive and provide healing and calm – but unfortunately, sometimes the journey they take before they get to you can be one filled with horrors. In the past few years, reports have regularly emerged about crystal mines in Asia, South America, and other places that have led to ethnic conflicts, devastating environmental damage, and exploitation of workers, including children. Many vendors, particularly online, are reluctant to share the names of their suppliers – so how do you know if your crystal was ethically sourced?
- When you’re shopping for crystals, ask sellers for documentation about the origins of their products. They should be able to verify that their crystals are ethically procured. If they’re not willing to discuss this, consider buying from somewhere else.
- Crystals imported from mines with questionable labor practices are often less expensive – compare the cost of similarly sized items at different shops. If the prices at one seems suspiciously low for no discernible reason, you might want to ask some more questions before buying from this seller.
- Additionally, take an active role in campaigning for ethical, fair trade crystal importation. Reach out to government officials and advocate for tighter import controls and stricter labor laws, particularly when it comes to partnerships with mining companies outside the United States.
You may absolutely love your crystals and the positive vibes they bring you… but if they came into your possession at the price of exploited workers, a decimated rainforest, or child labor, what kind of energy are you bringing into your life when you hold that stone?