
The Witch’s Home is Now Available!

The Witch’s Home is now available!

So you may have noticed I’ve been fairly quiet lately – I took a self-imposed hiatus from social media and the Interwebs in general following the election back in November. I’ve spent the months since then focusing on self-reflection, self-improvement, family, and my education (I’m currently halfway through a masters program which is super satisfying but also a huge time commitment). But now I’ve decided, as the weather gets warmer and the sun is finally out, it’s time to return to the world, and with it, I wanted to share that my newest book, The Witch’s Home: Practical Magic for Every Room, has been released into the wild!

This one was a real labor of love for me – if you’ve hung out with me at an event and attended my Household Magic workshop, that session is actually the origin story for The Witch’s Home. Join me as we work our way through your home – whether it’s a small apartment, a sprawling suburban house, or a big ol’ llama ranch – and we travel room by room, making your personal space sacred and spiritual. You’ll learn how to see your residence as a magical space, from the windows and doors to the basement and bathrooms. Explore the magical potential hidden in each room. Establish a home grimoire (one of my favorite magical projects), work with land spirits, create meaningful handcrafts, and experiment with spiritual decluttering. Learn how to repurpose items and apply the power of color to make your practice more affordable. You’ll also discover how to use traditionally non-magical items, such as takeout menus, shoes, and asphalt. With inspiration from folklore around the world, this book will help you connect with every part of your space, turning your home into a true sanctuary.

And if you’re wondering what other goodies are in The Witch’s Home, here are just a few of the spells, rituals, and practices you’ll encounter:

  • Lawnmower sigils
  • Chalk magic
  • Sacred soil spell
  • Magic for buying and selling your home
  • Land spirit shrine
  • Pet and car protection spells
  • Mailbox magic
  • Hearth blessing
  • Altar cloths
  • Letter tile oracle & playing card divination
  • Magical soaps
  • The mighty toilet paper of banishing
  • Mixer blessing
  • Magical tea blends
  • Duct tape magic
  • Cutting machine spellwork
  • The magpie tangle spell method

Pick up a copy of The Witch’s Home at your favorite metaphysical book shop, your local bookstore, or online at Amazon here: The Witch’s Home: Practical Magic for Every Room. It’s available in paperback, on Kindle, or even as an audiobook on Audible! Once you’ve had a chance to enjoy it, I’d love it if you left me a review!



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Patti Wigington