The Countdown is On!
YOU GUYS. In just one week on Sept. 8, Badass Ancestors will officially release! If you’ve pre-ordered a copy, you might even see yours before that — and select retailers have already gotten theirs.
If you’ve got your own Badass Ancestors, or if you spot copies out in the wild, please do me a solid and snap a pic, and then post it on social media, and tag me on Instagram (@pattiwigington), Twitter (@patti_wigington or @paganwiccan), or Facebook (@aboutpaganism or @AuthorPattiWigington! I love seeing where my stuff ends up!
Also, after you’ve had a chance to read Badass Ancestors, please be sure to post a review on Amazon — that helps boost the book’s position in search results, but more importantly, it will help other readers know how you feel about it. I can’t wait to hear what you think!