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    Is it OK to Charge for Spiritual Services?

    One issue of spirited debate in the Pagan and Wiccan communities is that of whether or not it’s acceptable to charge for teaching classes or performing other spiritual services – spellwork, divination, and so forth. One school of thought says it’s never okay – after all, knowledge is something that should be shared freely, at no charge to a student, because you can’t put a price on spirituality. This seems to tie in to a popular New Age mentality that any spiritual abilities are a gift, and as a gift, they should be passed along to others freely. Another group argues that of course it’s fine to charge – after…

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    Saturday Spellwork: Words Matter

    One of the things I always try to stress to people when they’re working magic is that words matter – and by this, I mean you’ve got to be REALLY specific. As an illustration, let me share with you a story from my own checkered magical history. Way back when, in the days when I was too young to know any better, I decided that a recent speeding ticket would be the target of my witchy wisdom. I had gotten the ticket quite justifiably, because I was flying down the highway well over the legal limit when I got popped. I’d been traveling from Ohio to South Carolina, and there’s…

Patti Wigington