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    Can I Join a Coven I Found Online?

    Here we are, in 2024, and I’m still getting messages from people who want to know if it’s “safe” to join a coven they found online. The answer – like so many other things in the modern magical world – is “It depends.” Keep in mind that this is a completely separate discussion from “does that coven I found online actually know what the heck they’re talking about,” which we’ll cover in a later post. Many people have met new friends, coven mates, and even spouses online, and never had any problems at all. But the thing is, you need to remember at all times that people are not always…

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    Who Gets Your Magical Stuff When You Die?

    Since so many members of the Pagan community work as solitaries, and may never come into contact with other Pagans during their lifetime, one issue that comes up as our population ages is that of what to do with magical tools and other items after death. After all, if we have no one magical in our lives to leave these things to, what becomes of them? I’ve been practicing for over thirty years, and even though I’ve gotten rid of a lot of stuff, there’s still going to be things left over once I shuffle off this mortal coil. The first thing to do is make sure you have a will – and this…

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    10 Things to Take to a Pagan Festival

    The warm weather is here, we’re all frolicking outside with reckless abandon as much as we can, and you know what that means… it’s festival season! If you’re attending any sort of Pagan festival – whether it’s an afternoon event with potluck dinner, or a week-long celebration out in the woods – there are certain things I’ve learned that are essentials for me. Having these items on hand, at a minimum, ensures I’ll have a good time and get the most possible benefit out of the celebration. Here are ten things you’ll want to remember next time you go to a Pagan festival. Your Magical Tools: If there’s a ritual…

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    New Book Announcement – The Witch’s Home

    Guys, I am SO excited! I’ve spent the past year working on a book I’ve wanted to write for ages, and it’s finally going to come out. I’m pleased to announce that The Witch’s Home: Practical Magic for Every Room will be released by Llewellyn Publications on February 8, 2025! This one has been a real labor of love for me, and it was inspired by one of my most popular workshops, Household Magic. When I present this workshop at festivals and events, the first part is spent discussing how to think outside the box – what can you do with non-magical stuff if you need to use it in a magical…

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    Magical Discussion Prompts for Witchy Fiction

    I get a lot of emails from people who love witchy fiction – guess what! I love it too! And often, I get messages from fiction authors asking for insight or tips on how to make their magical worldbuilding as realistic as possible. Let’s face it, if you’re an Actual Witch™ and you’re reading a novel about witches, and those witches do something that doesn’t jive with your own magical knowledge… well. Let’s just say there have been times I’ve stopped in my tracks and yelled No that’s not how that works! So, I do love it when authors of fiction reach out to ask, “Hey, if Wendy the Witch wanted…

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    Herb Magic: Bountiful Burdock

    When I moved into my little cottage in the woods three years ago, one of the things I fell in love with was the abundance of plant life on the property that was ready for me to forage. While derping around on my hillside, I noticed a lot of prickly little balls (get your minds outta the gutter, you filthy heathens) attaching themselves to my socks, shorts, and the dog. Naturally, I thought to myself, “Self, we gotta figure this one out.” They looked like thistles… sort of… but weren’t. Turns out I’ve got a bumper crop of burdock growing right in my back yard. It’s one of those cool…

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    The Basics of Reiki

    Reiki comes from two Japanese words which translate to “universal life force.” This universal life force is an energy found within all things—people, animals, plants, rocks, trees… even the earth itself. Someone trained in the use of Reiki channels that life force, allowing the recipient to receive the healing energy. Eastern Methods, Western Medicine This healing modality came to us from Japan, but Western medicine is finally beginning to recognize its benefits. Major medical centers, including the hospital at Ohio State University, are now discovering the value of integrative healing—in other words, traditional Eastern healing methods are used to complement modern medicine. Part of Reiki treatment includes the use of sacred…

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    Red Flags in Prospective Covens

    So you think you’ve found a Pagan group or coven that might be the right group for you. Great! Ideally, a coven will allow you to attend a few open meetings, in which you can observe the goings-on and meet all the members, without intruding upon the secrecy of any oathbound ceremonies or rites. After attending a series of open meetings – usually three, but that varies from group to group – members of the coven will vote on whether or not membership should be offered to you. Remember, though, there are a few things you should watch out for in any prospective group. Members that don’t seem to get…

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    Solar Eclipse Magic

    The sun has long been a source of myth and legend throughout various cultures, and one of the most significant solar events that can take place is that of an eclipse. Although an eclipse itself is just another scientific event, there are a number of superstitions that surround the phenomenon. If you’re in North America, in many places you’ll be able to see a full solar eclipse this year, on April 8. You can incorporate solar eclipse magic into your rituals and practice. Let’s take a look at some of the stories surrounding the eclipse of the sun. Remember, just like with a full moon, the eclipse doesn’t have to…

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    Using Body Fluids in Magic

    So, this is an article that originally appeared on my old AboutDotCom site, but when everything was migrated over to ThoughtCo and then LearnReligions, it vanished. Since I had a discussion about this very topic with someone not too long ago, I thought I’d resurrect it for you, with a few additions and updates: Although many people in today’s magical community find it a bit off-putting, the use of bodily fluids in magic is a long-standing practice in many cultures and traditions. Even if we think of it as unpleasant, it’s disingenuous to pretend that no one has ever used — or may presently be using — things like blood,…

Patti Wigington