
Making Magical Charms for the Workplace

Image by mbbirdy / Getty Signature via Canva Pro

I don’t know about you, but even though I love my job, I’ve found over the years that the workplace can be a source of significant stress and challenges, from tight deadlines and high expectations to difficult coworkers and a fast-paced environment. Navigating these pressures often requires professional skills and resilience, to be sure. But sometimes we also need to take a holistic approach to maintaining well-being and productivity. So what’s a working witch to do? This is where magical charms can come in super-handy. By adding a few small, enchanted objects into your professional life, you can cultivate a more positive, focused, and harmonious work environment for yourself.

  • Protection charms can help guard against negativity and stress, especially if you’ve got problematic coworkers or a toxic work environment. Use these to create a shield around yourself and maintain emotional and mental well-being amidst the pressures of professional life. Consider using protective herbs like sage or crystals such as black tourmaline, known for their ability to ward off negative energy.
  • Success charms are fantastic for professional growth, boosting your levels of responsibility, and increasing your overall level of job satisfaction. Try working with herbs such as allspice, oak, and lemon balm, and crystals like kyanite or citrine.
  • Focus and productivity charms, on the other hand, can enhance concentration and efficiency. If you’re having trouble meeting deadlines and achieving your goals, use clear quartz or rosemary, to help sharpen your mind and center your attention on tasks.
  • Harmony charms aim to create a positive and cooperative work environment. Incorporate rose quartz or lavender if you want to promote peaceful interactions and collaboration among your coworkers.

So how do you make a workplace charm? Think small – things you can tuck away unobtrusively into a desk drawer, hang on the corner of a cubicle, or place behind your monitor. This means using small containers, such as pouches or bottles, to hold the components , while cords or strings can be used to bind and secure the charms. Choose items based on their specific magical properties and how they align with your magical purpose. I’ve learned over the years that for me, personalization is key in charm-making – add personal touches like handwritten intentions, symbols, or even small personal items that hold significance to you. This not only strengthens the charm’s power but also makes it uniquely yours – all the better to make it more effective in your professional environment.

Start by cleansing your materials to remove any unwanted energies. Everyone has their preferred methods, such as passing them through the smoke of cleansing herbs like sage or placing them in sunlight or moonlight, so do whatever works best for you. Set a clear intention for your charm by clearly articulating what specific outcome you desire – is it protection, focus, harmony, or something else altogether? Place your components – herbs, crystals, etc. – into a small container, such as a pouch or bottle, and visualize your intention being infused into each item as you do so. Bind the charm together with a cord or string – I like to select colors based on magical properties, such as red for strength or black for protection. To charge and activate your charm, hold it in your hands, focus on your goals, and channel your energy into the charm. Finally, figure out the best place to keep your charm in your workplace. For protection, you might want to keep it in your desk drawer where no one will notice it; for focus, I’d recommend placing it right on your desk where you can see it.

So now you’ve made your charm and put it in your workspace… what next? In general, charms seem to like regular interaction and maintenance to keep their energy potent. Make a habit of engaging with your charm each morning, setting your intentions for the day by holding it, taking a few deep breaths, or silently reciting your goals. Keeping it in a place where you frequently see or touch it can help serve as a constant reminder of its purpose. Regularly recharge your charm by cleansing it, reaffirming your intentions, and, if necessary, tweaking its components to better suit your current needs. Additionally, be mindful of when it’s time to create new ones, especially if your professional goals or job circumstances change.

One Comment

  • Marcia Paluscsak

    Ms. Wiginton, my husband forwarded me this article as I am having some issues at work. It seems, due to my docile nature, people find it easy to snap at me. Obviously, I have no desire to be confrontational at work, but what would you recommend for someone trying to find their voice and maybe a backbone they lost along the way?

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Patti Wigington