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Badass Ancestor Altars Workshop & Virtual Book Launch

Online via Zoom

  Coming Sept. 8 My new book, Badass Ancestors, is out! Thanks to the pandemic, we're not doing a regular book launch party for this one — instead, I'm celebrating virtually with my friends at WitchLab.   Have you ever thought about working with your ancestors for spiritual growth and personal empowerment? One of the most magical things you can do is set up an altar in your personal space to honor your ancestral guides - it will give you a place for spiritual focus, confer protection upon your home, and give you greater access to the wisdom and guidance of your ancestors. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to set up an altar for your kinfolk - we’ll talk about what to put on it, how to work with your altar, the importance of offerings, and the value of welcoming your ancestors into your spiritual life. By the time we’re done, you’ll be prepared to set up an ancestor altar of your own! You also have the opportunity to buy a copy of Badass Ancestors with your ticket to the class. We cannot guarantee that books will arrive before the class (with shipping being what it is at the moment), but the earlier you claim a seat with a book, the better chance you have of getting it before the class. We will also be sending out book plates signed by the author after the class, so you will all get a personalized signature with your book!! You MUST register for this event online via WitchLab — registration ends at 5 pm the day of the event, and all registered attendees will receive a link via email by 6 pm.

Patti Wigington