The Clarence E. Miller Building in Lancaster, Ohio, has been around since 1828, and is reputed to be one of the area's most haunted places! Habitat for Humanity recently acquired the property, which served as an infirmary or "poor house" for more than 150 years, and has conceptualized a unique plan to revitalize it for the benefit of the community and to help build housing for veterans. Join me and my friends from Emerald Phoenix Mystic Boutique at this fundraising event, as we provide divination for your entertainment... the past residents of the Miller Building might just be dying to say hello! Buy your tickets here at DonorBox!
Photo by Image Source from Photo Images via Canva I'll be joining my co-priestess LillyBeth to present an empowering workshop for women who have reached the Crone stage of their lives, followed by a ritual to celebrate this milestone! For more information, please check out the LBA homepage here:
We'd all love to scamper about in a forest or a field being magical and Pagan and witchy... but realistically, that's not always possible. If you live in a city or suburb, never fear - there are still plenty of ways you can practice a magical life! Learn how to use city and suburban elements in your magical workings and rituals. Also, I'll have copies of my books - included the latest, Sacred Seasons, to sign for you!