
Celtic Paganism, and Stop Being Effin’ Lazy

I get a ton of emails and messages and random smoke signals from people who want to learn new things. Learning new things is good – except when those people say “Well, I don’t have time to read, can’t you just teach me?”

  1. No, that’s fucking lazy.
  2. What makes you think I have the time or interest to teach someone I don’t know?
  3. Can we talk about #1 some more?

HuttonDruidsIf you don’t have time to read, you don’t have time to learn. You’ve got the same 24 hours in the day as everyone else. I’ve had to have this conversation multiple times lately with people who want to be spoon fed information, and I’m sorry, but magic – and any other aspect of Pagan practice, really – isn’t for lazy people. If you really want to learn, do the work. If the work is just too much effort, then go take up a nice easy hobby that won’t tax your brain much, because fuck if I have the time to coddle anyone.

All of that said… you guys, there is a TON of information out there. AppleBranchSO MUCH INFORMATION. And it’s info that I – and plenty of other people – have taken the time and effort to put together to make life simpler for everyone else who wants to learn new things. Seriously, this couldn’t be much easier – the info has already been assembled for you. GO. READ. IT.


Okay, now that I’ve got my “Don’t Be Fucking Lazy” rant out of my systeEllisCeltsm, a quickie fun fact for you: Wicca and Celtic Paganism are not synonymous. In fact, Wicca isn’t Celtic at all – Kaathryn MacMorgan does a great job explaining why – but for those of you who are actually interested in a Celtic Pagan perspective, there’s a metric ton of great primary and secondary material out there. Go read these nine books: 9 Books for Celtic Pagans

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Patti Wigington