Good Witch Update!
So, Good Witch’s Daily Spell Book was supposed to be released on December 30, just in time for everyone’s annual I Ate Too Much Over the Holidays And Seriously Need a New Me phase. Unfortunately, there’s been a delay in the publication schedule, so if you haven’t spotted GWBSD in your local B&N, that’s why – because it ain’t there yet. However, the good news is that my awesome editor assures me it will be released in February, which is very exciting – it means you can get it in your hot little hands by spring, which will come in handy since many of the spells in it suggest you…
Holy Cow, It’s a Book Cover and It’s Awesome
Exciting stuff, you guys! Lookie here! It’s the cover artwork for The Good Witch’s Daily Spell Book, which will be out in December, and available in Barnes & Noble stores and at BN.com… And it’s GLORIOUS.
Join Me at Dayton Pagan Pride!
You guys, I’m super excited to announce that I’ll be presenting at Dayton’s Pagan Pride celebration on Saturday, October 1st! If you’ve been wondering about the magic of household witchcraft, you’re not going to want to miss my workshop – we’ll talk about household altars, kitchen magic, and (totally my favorite part) using mundane items in magical workings. Yes, if you’ve ever pondered how to use things like dog biscuits, a pair of socks, or an adult toy in a magical working, you totally need to stop by for this one. I’m pleased to say I’m in really good company for this event – author Tish Owen, singer Kellianna, and…
Lammas Decorations
Hey, guys, I made you a thing! Feel free to Pin, share, or download the infographic below, which has a bunch of fun and simple (and cheap) decorating ideas for the upcoming Lammas sabbat! Click on the magic infographic for more detailed info on how to set up affordable and easy Lammas decor.
Review: Byron Ballard’s Staubs & Ditchwater
This is a review which originally appeared on my About Paganism site – the content has recently gone away (because book reviews generally don’t garner a ton of page views) but since I’ve been delving deeper into Appalachian folk magic recently, this is a good time to re-share it. Book Review: Staubs and Ditchwater: A Friendly and Useful Introduction to Hillfolks’ Hoodoo, by Byron Ballard. I first met Byron Ballard in March 2012, when I visited Asheville, North Carolina, to cover the story of the Buncombe County School District and their religious materials policy. She’s one of those people who makes everyone feel comfy and welcomed, with her earth-mother vibe and say-what-you-mean-mean-what-you-say…
Review: Mrs. B’s Guide to Household Witchery
This article originally appeared on my About.com site, but since book reviews tend to show an underwhelming long-term performance there, I’m going to be gradually migrating some of them over here instead. I thought I’d kick things off with one of my favorite reviews, of a book by one of my favorite people, Kris Bradley, also known as Mrs. B. If you were familiar with Kris’ blog, Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom, that she ran up until 2013, you know that she spent a lot of time encouraging readers to find the magical in the mundane, and to look for the spiritual in everyday things around the house. By bringing…
Review: The Witches’ Almanac Coloring Book
I love to color, and as much as I hate to sound like that annoying hipster barista at your favorite coffee shop, I was actually coloring a lot before it became a trend. It’s therapeutic and keeps me from throwing rocks at people or eating my feelings. One of the best things about coloring becoming popular, though, is that now, instead of being stuck with Dora the Explorer and Ninja Turtles, there are a floppity-million coloring books out there for grownups. No matter what your interest – I have Outlander and Game of Thrones – there’s something for you to color in. Which is why, gentle reader, when the nice…
In Which I Hang Out At Media Medusa
I don’t know if you guys are familiar with Media Medusa, and specifically, Nancy Basile, but if you’re not following the site, you should be. All kinds of cool pop culture things lurk over at MM, from TV to movies to books, so go check it out! I first met Nancy when we were co-conspirators at About.com, and we discovered pretty quickly that we had a lot in common – the same weird sense of humor, an unabashed love for Outlander‘s Jamie Fraser, and no lie, we both have the Imperial March from Star Wars as our ringtones. It’s like we’re Geek Twinsies. Anyway, I got to do a little…
The Good Witch’s Daily Spellbook
OMG YOU GUYS. I have some super exciting news! I’ve partnered with Sterling Publishing to create The Good Witch’s Daily Spellbook! This collection of 366 spells – one for each day of the year – is designed in a way that’s useful for both beginners and advanced practitioners. No fancy hard-to-find tools, no hours-long rituals, just magic on the fly when you need it – as it should be! I’m super excited about this project, and my editor, Chris Barsanti, is going to be an absolute dream to work with. TGWDSB will be out in December 2016, marketed in Barnes & Noble stores (Sterling is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BN),…
The Intro to Tarot Study Guide is Here!
A few weeks ago I announced that About.com had advised us that they would shortly be doing away with the e-courses. While it was disappointing to hear, there are certainly solid reasons for the decision on their part – however, a LOT of readers have given me feedback in the past about how much they loved the e-courses. Two in particular, the Intro to Paganism & Wicca and Intro to Tarot courses, were extremely popular. When I posted this initially, I was able to announce that I’d revamped the Intro to Paganism & Wicca e-class into a 13-step self study guide, which is getting really great responses. Today, I’m pleased…