Book Update: Wicca Practical Magic
Book update! I know many of you are as excited as I am to get a copy of my new book, Wicca Practical Magic — and you will very soon! There was a slight printing delay and the new on-sale date for the print book is now 6/6 (the e-book will be available a couple weeks earlier on the original release date of 5/23). I want to make this book a real tool for you, one that will impact your practice for the long run, so in response to the delay, I’m putting together an EXCLUSIVE PREORDER GIFT FOR THOSE WHO ORDER THE BOOK NOW! The gift includes a special…
Saturday Spellwork: Banishing Magic
I don’t care what anyone says, banishing magic sometimes is a necessity. Sure, there are plenty of people who approach it from the mindset of “Well if someone is that terrible, why don’t you do a spell to help them be kinder and more understanding?” Well, frankly, hell naw. Some people are just awful, and the onus of responsibility to make them less awful doesn’t have to fall upon the rest of us. Some people just need to get gone. And THAT is where a good banishing spell comes in super handy. I’m going to share four of my favorite types of banishing workings, with the caveat (as always) that…
You Can Pre-Order Wicca Practical Magic Now!
Guys, I’m SO excited about my newest book! Wicca Practical Magic is available for pre-order on Amazon, both in a print and digital edition! Wicca Practical Magic will be released on May 23, 2017, through Althea Press/Callisto Media, and you’re going to LOVE it! Here’s what some of the advance reviewers have to say: "Patti Wigington has given us a rare sort of book. Wicca Practical Magic is treasure trove for the new practitioner while at the same time being a lovely refresher course for old-timers. This book is an important addition to your Pagan library." —Byron Ballard, author of Staubs and Ditchwater: a Friendly and Useful Introduction to…
Saturday SpellWork: The I-Screwed-Up Jar
So I thought I’d start a new feature here on my website. I’ve been practicing as a Pagan for thirty years now, and I’ve written a metric shit-ton of original spells. Some I’ve published – there are 366 of them in The Good Witch’s Daily Spell Book and twenty more in the upcoming Wicca Practical Magic (#shamelessplug!) – but there are countless others that I’ve never put out before. I thought it would be fun to start sharing them here with y’all, so I’m going to try to do a weekly feature called Saturday Spellwork, where I’ll share something new and nifty that you can add to your Book of…
Help Launch My Newest Book!
Help Launch the Wicca Practical Magic Book! I’m so excited to let you know that my newest book on Wiccan magic is coming out soon, and there are some really cool things in store for you! I’m assembling a street team to kick off Wicca Practical Magic, available on May 23, and I’d love it if you would help me launch this awesome book. What does a street team do? Well, if you sign up to be part of it, you’ll get an advance peek at the book before it releases, and you’ll get a chance to share some great content with your friends, family, and social media network. You’ll…
Reconnecting With Nature
One of the common themes in many modern Pagan belief systems is that of a connection to the earth, a spirituality that comes from our interaction with the different aspects of the natural world. It can be tricky, in today’s society, to keep our focus on nature. After all, we’re driving to work, watching television, answering our phones, and running around at a breakneck, hectic pace. Technology makes our lives easier, but it’s not hard to lose track of our connection to the land. Studies have shown that people who spend more time outdoors – and not just outdoors, but unplugged from technology – are generally more relaxed. They feel…
Book Announcement! Wicca Practical Magic Coming May 23!
OMG YOU GUYYYYYYYS. So I mentioned a while back that I had a Sooper Sekret Project in the works, and now I can officially announce it! My new book, Wicca Practical Magic, will be coming out on May 23, from Althea Press. You can already pre-order it on Amazon! I’m really excited, because this is something I wish had been available when I first started studying Pagan belief systems. If you’ve read all the Wicca 101 type books, and have no idea how to actually put what you’ve learned into practice, this book is written just for you. I’ll have more to share in the coming weeks, with all kinds…
Join Me at FPG!!
Are you in Florida, or Florida-adjacent? Join me at Florida Pagan Gathering later this month, from Wednesday April 19 – Sunday April 23! You can still register to attend, if you check out the FPG website. It’s going to be an amazing event – join me, Jason Mankey, Byron Ballard, Kyrja Withers, Onyx Moon, and more for a full weekend of rituals, workshops, vending, drumming, dancing, and fellowship. There will be some incredible magical music from Brian Henke and Wendy Rule, too! I’ll be hosting three workshops – come to one, or come to all of them: Thursday The Magic of Household Witchcraft 3:00pm – 4:30pm ~ Thunderdome Patti will…
Human Sacrifice in the Ancient World
For many people in the modern world, finding a Pagan belief system is a positive and life-affirming experience. It’s not uncommon for us to find a joy and lightness in our traditions, something that brings light into once was a dark existence. This is indeed a good thing, and what draws many new people into the Pagan community. Unfortunately, the downside of it is that there can sometimes be an unwillingness to accept that not all Pagan cultures in the past were full of light and love and rainbows. Our ancestors, hundreds of years ago, lived a completely different existence than we do today, and their relationships with their gods…
A Truth Universally Acknowledged
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” ~ Pride and Prejudice Many people are surprised to discover that I’m a HUUUUUGE fan of Jane Austen – apparently the public image I present doesn’t quite fit the stereotype of Who Reads Jane Austen, but trust me, she’s my favorite author in the history of ever, and Persuasion is one of the most brilliantly written pieces of English literature that exists today. “I can listen no longer in silence. I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach. You pierce my soul.…