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    The Magic of Purple Deadnettle

    Spring be springing down here in my little corner of North Appalachia, and one of my favorite things to see is the purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) that’s taking over my yard with reckless abandon. Technically, yeah, it’s a weed – but weeds are just things that grow where people don’t want them to. I’m a big fan of the “use what you got” school of witchcraft, so I always end up harvesting a metric buttload of purple deadnettle each year in late March and early April. Grace Elm at the Little Victorian says, “Popping up in the earliest spring-like moments, purple deadnettle is a maideny herb. In older folklore it…

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    So You Wanna Be a Witch?

    You want to be a witch? Cool! It’s worked for me for over 35 years – if it hadn’t, I wouldn’t be bothering with it. But let’s talk about a few things related to the “I want to be a witch” thing that’s constantly popping up in my magical mailbag. WitchTok A couple of times a week, I get messages from people who tell me some variation of I saw this spell on TikTok and I did it but can you please tell me why it didn’t work oh by the way i’m new.  OK, so first of all, I know there’s a ton of witchy shit on TikTok – and…

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    It’s Time for the Chocolate Rabbit Ritual!

    This is a ritual I created waaaaaay back in 2008 and posted on my About.com page, and since that time it’s been copy/pasted ad nauseum all over the Interwebs, and About/LearnReligions ended up eliminating it altogether, because reasons. I’ve heard about numerous shops and covens and groups doing this as a public ritual over the years, and honestly, it’s pretty much taken on a life of its own at this point, so if you want to do so, have at it! So, in the interest of sharing something fun, I want to share with you this simply ridiculous Ostara/Spring Equinox ritual that you can do with your whole fam damily…

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    A Few Fun Updates…

    So it’s been a couple minutes since I blogged – okay, it’s been four months, but in my defense I was busy and left unsupervised. LOTS of stuff going on, but first, let me tell you… this is the time of year when things are fallow for me. I tend to withdraw a bit from social media and the Interwebs in the months between Yule and spring. I get caught up on reading, I make art, I’ve been painting, working on fiber arts projects, and even exploring new hobbies like blacksmithing. I write, but I also don’t overdo myself – it’s good for me, and it allows me to reconnect…

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    The Witch’s Complete Guide to Tarot, Available 10/11/22

    Super exciting news, y’all! My newest book, The Witch’s Complete Guide to Tarot, will be out on October 11! I’m really jazzed about this one for a number of reasons – first of all, it’s downright gorgeous. Also, it’s a hardback, which makes me feel kind of fancy. The interior is just delicious – I’ll be posting preview pics over the coming weeks – and the cover is a snazzy purple, which of course is my favorite color. What else do I love? Well, it’s not just another Tarot 101 book. There are plenty of those out there – and if you just need a book of explanations of the 78 cards…

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    Review: The Doodle Tarot

    So life has been super busy – obviously, because I haven’t blogged in a few minutes – what with the Day Job, school, summer travel adventures, and all kinds of other stuff. However, back in July, I made my annual pilgrimage to Mystic South, which is always a blast – and one of the things I do love about this particular conference is the amazing vendor room space. It’s chock full of people who create magical, mystical things themselves – no drop-shipped mass-produced nonsense – and you get to meet the person who actually made the thing you’re purchasing. It’s delightful, and I scored a super cool broom from Blossoms…

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    Join Me at Mystic South Next Weekend!

    I’m so excited! After a two-year hiatus, Mystic South is back and better than ever! If you’re going, please be sure to visit with me and check out the workshops I’m hosting. Here’s my schedule for this event: Friday, July 15, 8 am: Household Magic – Using the Mundane to Make the Magical Sorry about the early morning kickoff – I don’t make the schedule – but if you can rouse yourself from your comfy bed at 8 am, come hang with me! Learn how to use plain old non-magical stuff around your house in your spellwork and rituals. From kids’ toys to the weird things in the back of…

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    Are You a Senior Pagan “Newbie”?

    A reader asks, “I have only recently discovered Pagan spirituality, and it’s been a little weird for me because I’m a lot older than most of the people who are “new Pagans.” I’m in my fifties and feel like a total noob, but all the other people who are new to this path are in their late teens and twenties. All the other Pagans my age are Elders who have been part of the Pagan community forever. Am I some kind of freak, or are there other “senior newbie Pagans” out there?” Believe it or not, people find Pagan spirituality at a wide variety of ages. Look at it this way. Some people…

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    Deities and Gender

    A reader writes in asking, “I read that people can’t connect to a deity of the opposite gender as easily as they can connect to deity of the same gender. Does this mean that one gender can’t be as spiritual as another? Or does it mean that the god and goddess are not equal? I’m not sure where you read this information, but my opinion is that it’s patently false, for a couple of reasons. Actually, let’s break your question down a bit, because it’s multifaceted. Your first question is, “Can a person connect to a deity of the opposite gender as easily as they can one of the same…

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    The Magic of Healing Crystals

    Hoooo boy, y’all, I’ve been SWAMPED! In addition to working on yet ANOTHER manuscript, I’m taking grad classes, working on a certificate in Management & Leadership (totally not Pagan or witchy related, but it will help me be even better at my Day Job, which is what pays the mortgage ’round these parts). Anyway, since I may or may not have been writing about crystals lately, I thought it might be a good time to chat about how people use them for healing magic. Many people believe each crystal emits a vibration that tunes into the body’s energies, and this is used to heal emotional or physical ailments. Keep in…

Patti Wigington