Honoring Juno & Vesta
In ancient Rome, Juno was the goddess who watched over women and marriage. Vesta was the protector of the hearth, and of virginity. Together, these two mighty goddesses were sacred to Roman women. Although Juno’s festival, the Matronalia, was actually celebrated in March, the month of June was named for her. It’s a month for weddings and handfasting, so you could easily honor Juno at this time of the year. During the Matronalia, women received gifts from their husbands and daughters, and gave their female slaves the day off work. Like nearly all Roman deities, Vesta had her own holiday as well. The Vestalia was celebrated from June 7 to…
Aerra Litha and the Germanic Pagans
When they arrived in the British Isles, the Saxon invaders brought with them the tradition of calling the month of June Aerra Litha. They marked Midsummer with huge bonfires that celebrated the power of the sun over darkness. For people in Scandinavian countries and in the farther reaches of the Northern hemisphere, Midsummer was very important. The nearly endless hours of light in June are a happy contrast to the constant darkness found six months later in the middle of winter. The period following the solstice was called Aefterra Litha, according to the Venerable Bede’s eighth century writings about the “heathen” Anglo-Saxons. Author Sandra Kynes says in A Year of…
Hobbits, Doorways, and Viking Art
The Norse society valued art and craftsmanship, and left behind some exquisite work, much of which can still be seen today. From the ship burial of Sutton Hoo to the Harrowgate hoard, Viking artwork depicts men, animals, gods, and pieces of the natural world tied together with interlacing knots and spirals. This stylized blend of elements has made Viking artwork instantly recognizable the world over. For some three hundred years, beginning in the late eighth century, the Scandinavian explorers known as the Vikings wreaked havoc upon much of Western Europe. Starting with the sack of the monastery of Lindisfarne in 793, the Vikings invaded, plundered and destroyed villages and harbors…
Saturday Spellwork: Coffee Spell to Change Your Luck
So I know this is technically Sunday, but honestly, I had this post scheduled to drop yesterday… or at least I thought I did. Instead, I actually had it set to drop on June 10, 2018, and when it didn’t appear in my feed… well. There it is. Anyhoo — This is a simple spell that you can use to change your own fortune – and let’s face it, we’ve all had some runs of bad luck, where it seemed like nothing would ever get better. It does, eventually, but using a bit of magic is a great way to move the process forward. You’ll need a cup of unused…
Paganism & Islam
Recently, several readers have reached out to me asking for clarification on items they had read elsewhere online; specifically, articles that correlated Islam with Paganism. According to these articles – which I’m deliberately not linking to here, because they’re fucking AWFUL, but you’re more than welcome to Google them if you’re really interested – Islam has its roots in Pagan beliefs, and therefore the two are the same, right? Actually, no, not really, and I’m going to explain why. However, before I do, I should clarify that the information I’m about to present shouldn’t be interpreted one way or another as an approval or disapproval of another religion. It’s not…
Holy Cow, Wicca Practical Magic is Here!
So yesterday, on June 6, Wicca Practical Magic launched on Amazon, and I can’t believe how many kind things people have said about this book in their reviews! I am just awed and humbled by the overwhelmingly positive response to this book, and owe all of you such gratitude. And then last night, I got an email from Eli Becker, who is the amazing rock star marketing goddess at Callisto Media, and saw this: Holy cow, y’all. LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID! You made Wicca Practical Magic #1 in the Wicca/Witchcraft category on Amazon yesterday! I’M NOT CRYING, YOU’RE CRYING! Thank you SO much for all of your love…
Saturday Spellwork: Protection Magic
Protection magic is right up there with love magic and money magic, as far as Stuff People Ask About the Most. I thought I’d share with you a few of my favorite basic protection magic workings. Play around with them and see which works best for you! Witch Bottle or Witch Bag The idea behind this is to not only protect yourself but also send back the negative to who or whatever is being sent at you. To make a witch bottle, get a small glass jar with a lid. Fill it halfway with sharp rusty objects like nails or razor blades, pins, needles. When it is halfway full, there…
Blend a Batch of War Water
In some magical traditions, war water can come in very handy in spellwork. It’s one of those magical ingredients that I don’t have call to use very often, but when I do, I like to have it already prepared and ready to go. Sometimes called iron water, water of Mars, or rust water, war water is designed to impart the attributes of Mars, the Roman god of war… who is associated with (wait for it) iron. It’s found in many types of folk magic, primarily those with European roots, but it also appears in Conjure and Hoodoo. There are a ton of recipes out there for war water, and you’re…
The New Moon: Get Rejuvenated!
For a lot of us, the period of the New Moon – a time in which the moon is dark and cannot be seen – is a fallow phase. It’s when we recuperate and regroup, on a magical and spiritual level. Getting Yourself Back In Order Depending on how actively magical a life you lead, you may find yourself needing to take a breather every now and then, a time when you do no workings, and simply get in touch with your spiritual and emotional inner self. Use the three days that occur before, during and immediately after the new moon as a time when you give your “witchiness” a…
Join Me for a Book Signing on June 3!
Join me for a book signing this weekend on Saturday, June 3 from 2-4 pm, at Blessed Be Spiritual Shop, 3821 Broadway, Grove City, Ohio! We’ll have copies of my newest book, Wicca Practical Magic, on hand, as well as The Good Witch’s Daily Spell Book, and several of my novels. I’d love to send you home with your very own signed copy – come on by for a spell!