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    Magical Aromatherapy 101

    Ask any Pagan what they enjoy about working with herbs, and chances are good they’ll tell you how much they love the smell. Herbs contain small glands that hold their essential oils, and when these oils are extracted they release scent molecules. The science of aromatherapy takes advantage of this natural phenomenon and expands it just a bit–because olfactory sensation stimulates parts of the brain connected to memory and emotion. Ever catch a whiff of a stranger’s perfume and suddenly be reminded of your aunt who passed away when you were twelve? Have you suddenly caught a touch of magnolia on the breeze, and remembered the time you and that…

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    Pagan Standard Time and Why I Hate It

    Pagan Standard Time, or PST, is the practice often found in Pagan communities of people showing up anywhere from 20–45 minutes late for everything, and it’s considered rude by anyone who’s trying to organize event or host a ritual. Honestly, it drives me absolutely nuts. While people may joke about PST, those who continually show up late may find themselves no longer invited to attend events, workshops or celebrations. Seriously, arriving late is not a habit you really want to fall into. Obviously, there are some things we have no control over which may cause tardiness–there was heavy traffic, your car wouldn’t start, or whatever–and I totally get that. If…

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    Teaching Minors About Pagan Spirituality

    Here’s a quickie preliminary disclaimer: Keep in mind that for the purposes of this discussion, we’re NOT talking about teaching your own kids. This is a question about teaching spiritual principles and practices to someone else’s child. Anyhoo, away we go. One of the emails I get a LOT goes along the following lines: “I’m really excited to learn about Paganism, but no one will teach me! By the way, I’m thirteen–can you help me?” There are some pretty important implications of teaching Pagan religions (or any other religions, for that matter) to someone who’s underage, and a number of points that need to be addressed. Particularly when it comes…

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    Plan an Event for Pagan Kids

    So the other day I posted about why sometimes your little darlings might be persona non grata at Pagan events, and sure enough, I got a couple of snippy emails telling me what a dick I am because people can’t go anywhere without their kids and it’s just not fair that their kid can’t come because THEIR kid is good and doesn’t eat crystals and blah blah blah. But seriously, if there’s no one with kids involved in the planning or execution of an event, having children there might not be an option. In fact, sometimes having an activity that’s specifically for kids is a really great option instead. In…

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    Folklorist James Frazer and the Golden Bough

    Sir James George Frazer is perhaps best known for his collection of folklore and mythology, The Golden Bough, published in 1890. The work details legends and myths from many different cultures throughout history. Frazer theorized that human belief systems had begun as primitive magic, which was then replaced by religious dogma, which has now been replaced by scientific knowledge. Frazer was one of the first anthropologists to analyze the link between myth and ritual ceremony, so his writing is a fascinating bridge between the past and the present. The Golden Bough is a study of legend and myth and how they are interpreted into ritual and celebration. Frazer’s interpretation of…

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    Set Up an Altar for Pagan Kids

    If you have a family altar, that’s great! It’s a nice thing to have, whether you keep it up all year round or just bring it out seasonally. However, if you’re a Pagan or Wiccan parent, you may want to go ahead and let your kids have their very own altar. After all, an altar is a place where we keep things that are sacred to us–but what is sacred to children and what is sacred to adults can be two very different things. This is why it’s a great idea to encourage your kids to have an altar of their own in their bedrooms. It becomes a place they…

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    Kids & Pagan Events: They Ain’t Always Welcome

    Okay, so let me preface this by saying I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I’m going to get at least ten hatey emails from people who accuse me of being anti-kid, anti-family, and just an all around horrible human being after y’all read this post. It’s a risk I’m willing to take, because this is something that–as someone who has both attended and organized events–is a pretty important topic. Away we go. A reader says, I was recently planning to attend a big Pagan event, and my husband and I were very excited about going. However, when we asked what sort of kids’ activities would be available…

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    5 Reasons You Need to Go to a Pagan Festival

    Springtime is here, at least for those of us in the northern hemisphere! And that means that for those of us who are part of earth-based spiritual systems, festival season is looming right around the corner. Every year, as festival season rolls around, many of us happily load up our cars, pack tents and drums and coolers, and head off to the nearest community gathering. It’s a chance to spend a weekend–or even a full week–with the people you consider your tribe. However, something else also happens every year: lots of people miss out on those same festivals and experiences. Maybe you’ve thought about attending a festival but just never…

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    Floralia: The Roman May Day Festival

    The Romans had a celebration for just about everything. Certainly, any Roman deity worth their salt got a holiday of their own, and Flora was no exception. Because FLOWERS AND PROSTITUTES, y’all. I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot in my heart for Flora. She was the goddess of spring flowers and vegetation, and one of many fertility goddesses. In fact, she was so well respected as a fertility deity that she was often seen as a the patron deity of Roman prostitutes. You guys, she was the goddess of sex workers! How cool is that? Flora’s holiday, the Floralia, originated around 235 b.c.e. It was believed that…

Patti Wigington