About Me
I began writing when I was seven. Since then, I’ve grown up (a little) and published a few books, a whole bunch of columns, and a few short stories. I can’t imagine Not Writing, and even when I’m bogged down with my full-time job (yes, I have one, and it’s not writing), I still need to spew words out onto the screen. I have to – if I don’t, I get cranky, and the voices in my head get louder.
I’ve been practicing as a witch and a Pagan since about 1987ish, and in that time I’ve learned a lot. I’m the founder and high priestess of a local coven, I read Tarot for funsies, and am a licensed minister in my home state of Ohio. In addition to having a Real Grownup Job (with the world’s most patient boss), I spent thirteen years, from 2007 to 2020, as the host of the Paganism & Wicca pages on About.com, which later became ThoughtCo and then LearnReligions. That led to a lot of opportunities, including speaking engagements and the chance to teach workshops, as well as the ability to write a few really cool books on witchy stuff.
In addition to writing, I spend my little bits of free time putzing around in my garden, hiking the local trails, coming up with new and exciting ways to re-use stuff I didn’t think I (or anyone else) wanted anymore, dying my hair odd colors, and performing random acts of full-contact recipe experimentation.
I’ve raised three children who are remarkably well-adjusted adults, despite their mother’s best efforts to turn them into very strange people, and I sometimes Tweet random things on Twitter. Come along and Stalk Me on Facebook, too!
Want me to write some cool web content for you? I’d love to create something fun and original just for your website, on any of the following topics:
- Paganism & Wicca
- Witchcraft
- Tarot & Divination
- Gluten Free Eating
- American History
- Pop Culture
- Upcycling
- Genealogy & Historical Research
- Social Issues
- Other Stuff I Probably Haven’t Thought of Yet
If you’d like me to write something for your website, shoot me an email at pattiwigington(at)gmail(dot)com!